What to do in the Offseason
When asked about what youth baseball players should be doing in the offseason, my typical response is, whatever it takes to stay out of trouble! But seriously, none of them at this age are beating their bodies up, so offseason recovery isn’t a factor unless they have an injury. It is just important to keep them engaged and learning some aspect of the game. Keep it simple and focused on specific skills. For 8U and up, it’s the perfect time to introduce new players to pitching, and catching (7U and up), or progress those with experience through more advanced mechanics and drills.
To help parents and players this offseason, Hardball has set up pitching and catching clinics on Saturdays and Sundays for the next few weekends to give your players the opportunity to learn the basics for these positions from a former pro player. See the schedule below (open spots remaining).
For the 5U-6U players, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to get out and play catch every single day for 2-5 minutes. It is far better to practice this skill in small bits more frequently, then to go out one a week or so for an hour or so. Kids at this age retain very little muscle memory from one day to the next. Very brief practices, with hi frequency will help them retain what they learn from day to day and will also help you as the parent navigate busy schedules that may only have a few minutes.
Registration Update
There are 2 weeks left to register. We are getting close to the end of the road for the Spring so please get your players registered so we can start to coordinate schedules. See the link below for the newly redesigned registration process.
Also, for coaches that do not have a login, or need to get registered as a coach, please use this link to do so (if you don’t know, then yes, you need to do so):
Coach Registration – Dallas Hardball